Microsoft Calendar-ClayHR Integration
ClayHR’s integration with Microsoft Calendar enables clients to push events from ClayHR calendar to Microsoft Calendar. They can push leaves and announcements events too.
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How to provide permission to the application on Azure to access Microsoft Calendar?
- Sign in to the Azure portal.
- On the top bar, click on your account, and under the Directory list, choose the Active Directory tenant where you wish to register your application.
- Click on More Services on the left-hand side, and choose Azure Active Directory.

- Click on App registrations and choose the application to which you want to provide the permission.

- Click on Add permission, Select Microsoft Graph > Delegated, and Add the following permissions
- User. Read
- Calendar.ReadWrite

- Provide the admin consent by clicking on Grant admin consent for the organization name.

How do I enable the Microsoft Calendar integration in ClayHR?
- Go to Setup menu–>Third Party Integrations.

- Click on “New Integration” and select Cloud Integration as the Integration Type.

- After clicking Microsoft Calendar, Add the following
- Username - (Microsoft Azure account username)
- Password - (Microsoft Azure account password)
- Consumer key - (Microsoft Azure application Client ID)
- Consumer Secret - (Microsoft Azure application Client Secret)
- App ID - (Microsoft Azure account Tenant ID)

- Click on Save Integration.