Private: How to Add Candidates from ClayHR API using Postman
To Add Candidates from ClayHR API using Postman API
Follow the following steps to add new Candidate using Postman API –
- URL –
- Set Request type – POST
- Add URL to Postman API:

- Get Authorization Access token (also called accesskey) from User Profile and scroll down to ClayHR API section:

- Set HTTP Header Authorization: (key-value pair)
a. Authorization: {“accessKey”: “ZGVtbzpiMmZkODJhOTdjM2I0MjZlOGVmODI5NjUXXXXXXXXXXXX”}
b. Content-Type: application/json - Set HTTP Headers in Postman API:

- Set Request parameter values in Body and hit Send:

- JSON Response received: