With these simple steps, you can easily set an image as your Job Board background using CSS: Please go to Hiring-->Job Board-->Configure Job Board-->Hiring Configuration. In the Hiring Configuration page, click on the “Candidate Portal” from the left panel and scroll down to “Custom CSS Style” in the Look & Feel section. Please add the custom CSS styling in the box and click on the “Save Configuration” button to set the image as a background on your Job Board. Depending on the design, you may need to completely fill a CSS container with an image, or sometimes the image will just partially fill the container. To display an image as a background within a container, you need this sample CSS: .container-class { background-image: url("path/to/image.jpg"); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; width: 400px; height: 400px; border: 2px dashed #333;}
Replace .container-class with the selector you want to target and specify all the properties accordingly. To define a specific size for the image, we should look at the background-size property relative to the aspect ratio of the image:a) For an image that has more width than height, please include the syntax below to make the background image go full width:background-size: 100% auto;
b) For an image that has more height than width, please include the syntax below to make the background image go full height: background-size: auto 100%;
c) Include this syntax to make the background image go full coverage. This is an automatic way to fill the complete container, regardless of the image’s aspect ratio: background-size: cover;
This is the complete list of background-size values:
auto - Default value. length - As example: 100% auto or 400px auto. The first value is for the width, the second for the height. cover - Cover the complete area. contain - Scale the image to its biggest size. initial - Set this property to its default. inherit - Inherited from the parent.