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Wonscore-ClayHR Integration

ClayHR integrates with the Wonscore API to provide customers pre-employment test services. ClayHR provides a simplified pre-employment test service via Wonscore API integration. It is easy to initiate a candidate’s assessment and analyze the results.


1. Third-Party Integrations

      To configure the integration in third-party integrations, follow these steps:

  1. Go to third party integrations under the “Setup” menu
  2. Click “Add New” to add new integration
  3. Enter “Name” of integration as Wonscore
  4. Select Wonscore as “Integration Type” from a combo box
  5. Fill in all the mandatory fields.
  6. Hit the “Procure” button.

2. Custom Fields

After configuring Wonscore in third-party integrations, set up a custom field.

To create a Wonscore job custom field, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the top right corner “Setup” menu in ClayHR Application.
  2. Scroll down to the “Organization Setup” sub-menu and click on the “Custom Fields” link under the Custom Fields Configuration section.
  3. Click on “New Custom Field”
  4. Enter “Name” of the custom field as Wonscore Job ID
  5. Enter “Field Code” as won score. jobid
  6. Select “Field Type” as Text Box and “Type” as Generic
  7. Select “Object Type” as “Position”
  8. Hit the “Save” button

Now, we are done with the configuration part and ready to use the Wonscore workflow


To use this feature, follow these workflow steps:

  • Go to the Position View page, under the Actions tab find a link “Link to Wonscore” (this link will be displayed only if Wonscore is configured in third party integrations)
  • Click “Link to Wonscore”
  • On clicking “Link to Wonscore”, Wonscore Job Directory will open in a popup window.
  • Wonscore Job Directory will show the jobs relevant to the Position in the ClayHR system
  • Select a job from the popup window that best suits the Position defined in the ClayHR system.
  • Review the profile to see the details
  • After reviewing the job description, click “Next”
  • Click “Confirm link” to link this job to ClayHR system “Position”
  • On successfully linking to Wonscore, the system will show a notification.
  • Under the Actions tab “Link to Wonscore,” link will now show the “Linked job name”
  • Go to the Candidate now who has applied for this “Position” (Advance java)
  • On the Candidate View page, Under the “Comments” section, the button “Schedule Test” button will be showing.
  • Clicking this button “Schedule Test” will open up the various integrated partners for scheduling a test.
  • Click on “Wonscore Assessment”, this will open a popup with some options to select
  • Select any “Round” from Combobox, either “Qualify” or “Confirm”
  • Select the Retest option if the Candidate is being retested.
  • Click on the “Initiate Assessment” button.
  • This will initiate the process and the system will generate a link where a candidate can take the test.
  • Test link will be added in the “Comment Section” and a notification mail will be sent to the candidate and the one who initiate the assessment.

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