ClayHR allows you to define who has access to view, create, and manage the check-in process.
There are three levels of permissions:
Allow the user to view the consolidated Check-ins and not manage any other aspect.
Allow the user to create Check-ins for direct reports and supervisors.
Allow the user to launch new Check-Ins, select reviewers and due dates, consolidate Check-Ins, and see the Check-Ins Dashboards. Permitted Users will be able to manage the process and see the content of the check-Ins.
To define permissions, follow these steps:
Navigate to the gear icon in the upper-right corner. In the dropdown menu, select Security & Permissions. Go to the Permissions section and click on “User Group Permission Matrix” . The permission matrix is available here. Change permissions by going to the upper right corner and clicking the “Edit Permissions” button. You can now check or uncheck the features you want to enable/disable based on “User Group.” You can also adjust the permissions on an individual basis.
Navigate to the user group view page and select any user group. Assume we choose the group for which you want to change the permissions. Then, under the Permissions tab, click the “Add permission” button. A popup window will appear, allowing you to select the module and permissions to add to the selected user group. Select the required permission and save it. The “Check-In Administration” permission has been successfully added to the “Account Manager” user group, as shown in the image below.