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Setting up Signatures in Performance Reviews

tting up Signatures Flow in Performance Reviews is a two step process, that includes:

  1. Defining the signature flow.
  2. Use signature flow in individual performance reviews.

1. Defining the Signature Flow: To define the Signature Flow, follow the below  mentioned steps:

  • Navigate to the “Goals and Performance Management” under the “Setup Menu” on the top-right corner of the application.

  • Click on the “Signatures” link to navigate to the setup signatures page.
  • Click on “+Add Signature” link. A pop-up window will appear.
  • Select “Signature Type” from the drop down menu and click on “Add Signature” button.
  • The signature will appear in the table with its sequence.
  • If you want to add a User Group in signature levels select “User Group” from the drop down menu, a new drop down menu will appear that will display all the user groups defined in the system.
  • Click on the user group you want to add and press “Add Signature” button.
  • Similarly the other signature levels like User, User’s manager or department head can be added.


  • The user should be assigned with Org Unit (and Org Unit Head) and Manager (i.e. ‘reports to’ in user details page) in the system if the User’s Manager or Department Head is added as one of the Signature Levels.

2. Use Signature Flow in the Performance Reviews: Before publishing the Performance Reviews, they can be sent for Signatures to the defined signature levels in the system. Once the Performance Review is submitted for signatures, it  will follow the defined signature sequence.

Important note-The users can fill their signatures according to the sequence defined in the Signature Flow.

  • If the flow is defined in the system and the Performance Review reaches Pending for Publication stage, it will display the ‘Proceed to Signatures’ button.

Note: Performance Reviews can only be published after the Signatures from all the levels are completed, whereas the Performance Reviews can be published directly when there is no Signature Flow is defined in the system.

  • On clicking the ‘Proceed to Signatures’ button, a pop-up will open and the reviews can be submitted for signatures. Once Submitted, the first level of Signature flow will be notified via an Email.
  • Such Reviews will be shown under “Reviews to Sign” section of the Assignee. The Assignee can redirect to the complete signature page directly by clicking on the link given in the Email or can navigate via ‘Reviews to Sign’ section from the top menu.
  • This will redirect the user to the ‘Reviews to Sign’ page, which has all the signature assignments for the current user. The Assignee can click on the Performance Review for which they want to complete the signature assignment.
  • This will redirect them to the complete signature page. In the Signature Section (shown at the end of the page), Assignee can complete signature with comments (Comments are not mandatory) and click on Submit Signature to complete the assignment. Here the user can also find the signature and comments of previous users who signed the performance review.
  • When the first user fills their signature then the next user will be notified via an Email notification. The second user can follow the same steps above for completing their signature assignments.
  • The yellow/green icons represent the Pending/Completed Signatures.

  • After all the Signature Assignments are completed, the Publish Results button will be enabled and the performance review can be published.
  • After publishing the results, the user can view their performance review signatures at the end of results page.

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