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How to Use Custom Tables in Forms

ClayHR allows you to add custom tables in dynamic forms. The custom tables are useful to get the required inputs in tabular form.

  1. Go to the gear icon, select ‘Organization Setup’, and choose ‘Custom Tables’. 


  1. Click on ‘New Custom Table’ to create a new custom table of type ‘FORM’.

  1. Then, go to the gear icon, select ‘Forms, Workflows & Templates’, and Select ‘Forms’.
  1. To create a new form, click on “New Forms’’.   
  1. You can add sections to the form and also add different form items under sections.
  1. While creating the item, select the field type as ‘Custom Table’ to add in your form.
  1. Select the form type as the custom table to include in the form.
  1. Click on the ‘Publish Form’ button, to publish the form.
  1. Now assign the form to the user.
  1. Fill in the values and submit the form.

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